November 22, 2006

MTV Enjoy!!!

I love MTV. It’s my new passion. Listening to non-stop desi albums till the wee hours. Just now, the channel played, “Chandni rate… chandni rate…” It reminded me of my golden days. In those days, I used to sing, “Chandni rate… chandni rate… Sub jag soye… hum jage, station ki aur bhage. Chandni rate… chandni rate…”
Those were the beautiful nights. Hanging out with friends in the night at station. Sitting silently and smoking. Having tea and samosa at Samrat. Going to railway station and checking weight. Playing cards and eating Santosh’s dalvadas. Bhurabhai and Ambika pan shop. Reading newspaper and discussion. Watching hopeless youngsters. The moments when you become alive. The moments when you are utterly dejected. The moments when you are frustrated. The moments when you want the night to continue forever. The moments when you don’t want to see sunrise. Darkness all around. Within and without.

Nothing in this world can replace those beautiful moments. It reminds me another song, “Main kanhi bhi rahun har kadam har ghadi, mere dil main basi teri yaad hain. Meri aankho ki duniya hain suni padi, dil ki duniya magar tujhse aabad hain. Main kanhi bhi rahun har kadam har ghadi…”


  1. we were at station, me and kharchoo. it is raining here... ha ha ha. winter nights with rains. i have started drinking coffee for quite sometime now. but during the night hours only. kharchoo and nikhil are fast asleep now and i am only one alive in this kholi. i will upload few pics of great souls and greater phursatgunj tonight. till then .....

    MTV Enjoy !!!

  2. Phursatgunj here I come. My beloved, without you my existence is futile.


  4. I'm mystified by the references to Phursatgunj. Is this a fictitious place that you are sentimentalizing about , from a movie?

  5. No, it's not a fictitious place. In Baroda(a small city in the western state of Gujarat, India), names of most of the areas end with "gunj". Phursat means leisure. In our area, people are very chilled out. They have abundace of time, that's why we call the place "Phursatgunj". It's a real place. We started calling our area Phursatgunj much before the term was used to depict a town in a Hindi movie called "Bunty aur Babli".

  6. Oh, thanks for the information, what a nice place to live, and how well its atmosphere is evoked by these photos and text! I had the great honour yesterday of going to meet a great man and blogger from Kolkata, who was revisiting London where he had been a student. He loves London in that same way that you describe about Phursatgunj. Whilst in the pub, drinking an ale called "London's Pride" we reflected on things and he wrote down certain aphorisms which fell from my lips, e.g. definition of India is "how to live" whilst definition of China is "how to work". Then I asked him to write down these words for his own edification: "It is important to be a nobody." "Ah," he said, "I had from childhood been taught to aim at being a somebody."

  7. We love the place because it perfectly suits our nature. Nobody is in any kind of hurry in Phursatgunj. You can sit at one place for hours and nobody will bother you. Each act done in a leisurely manner.

  8. I want to visit one day. Meanwhile, what has happened to Lazicopedia? Link went nowhere. Can someone - or shall I say Anando because you seem the least lazy if you will forgive my personal remark - tell me what is or was Lazicopedia? The lazy man's version of Wikipedia, perhaps?

  9. Sir, it's an unforgivable insult. Even, I don't know what has happened to my friend's dream project. I will ask him and let you know. I refused to be part of his "Lazicopedia" project. Working hard to creat Lazicopedia is againt my dignity.

  10. My friend 20box, the brain behind the Lazicopedia project, will explain you everything.

  11. lezicopedia will be up within a week dear, being a lazy man i am not in any kind of hurry.
