November 30, 2006

My Sleeping Pill.

My father was here today. On short notice as usual. I was fast asleep and kharchoo and nikhil was out for a cup of tea at masi's lari. First thing he told me after waking me up was that I should quit smoking now. I don't know when will i be able to stop smoking but I know one thing that I really enjoyed smoking a lot for few years now. It is 4:30 in the morning and I just lit another cigarette. I use laalu yadav's kulladhs as my ashtrays. Prophets Outcast, one toxic book , edited and introduced by Adam Shatz is a collection of letters and articles by famous jew personalities like Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Isaac Deutscher and many more. It is my sleeping pill for quite few days now. I never met a single jew in my life but i think they are strangly interesting people and this is not my prejudice. In his letter to the editor of Filistin(newspaper) in 1931, Einstein says that semitic people of the region should live in harmony. He was against the new jewish settlement (Israel) in the region. rather, he says that, Jews and Arabs can live peacefully without Zionist wall between them (overenthusiastic day-dreaming). He criticized United States (where he found shelter) for that. Aah, i don't care wall or no wall, it is a good sleeping pill. Not going to make any change in phursatgunj. Though a few years back nice pictures of the wall were published in the National Geographic magazine. impressive photography by wandering zealots. Their few mega pixel camera give them a slight edge over my VGA. A narcist photographer i am. Now it is tea time masti. Bye Bye.


  1. Fathers are strange creatures. But, I really feel pity for our fathers for having kids like us. But, what can we do? It's their mistake and they will have to pay the price. May be this is part of their spiritual journey.

    Anyway, what will you do if you will stop smoking? There have been days in my life that just because of the urge to smoke, I have gone outside my room. If I stop smoking, and I know I can do that, I will have no reason to remain in contact with the external world.

  2. smoking may be injurious to health but it is no doubt good time pass.

    smoking can be good or bad for a body ...but it cannot do any harm to spirits.

    lage raho sabu aur mehul bhai...

  3. 'I am not going to smoke for one week from tomorrow.'


  4. Wait until the start of his satyagraha at Vishwamitri(gutter) Ashram.
